
Cultuur is veel meer dan een optelsom van tentoonstellingen en muziekuitvoeringen. Het is een behoefte van de Mens om die diepere emoties die in hem leven de kans te geven het daglicht te zien en ze met zijn medemens op die speciale manier te delen, dikwijls met en dikwijls zonder woorden. Soms met beeld soms zonder klank. Soms met kleur, soms zwart-wit maar nooit zwart op wit, altijd met de grijswaardes die kleur geven aan het innerlijke emotionele gebeuren wat de mens onderscheidt.

donderdag 18 november 2010

FW: the theme for 2011 and other interesting stuff


Van: AfrikaBurn []

Onderwerp: the theme for 2011 and other interesting stuff

AFRIKABURN - a creative arts and freedom of expression festival that aims
to build temporary community through collaborative arts projects in a
completely non-commercial environment.

Wednesday 27th April - Monday 2nd May


Ok Ok, we know its been aaaaages since our last communication, doesn't mean
things haven't been happening though, we've been busily getting our ducks in
a row. And all of a sardine, AfrikaBurn the 5th incarnation 2011, is but a
mere five and a half months away!...which is good, because it's the first
time we've had a whole year between events, and I have to say I can feel the
pull of the desert very strongly.

So onto things...onto stuff.

In this email:

The theme for AfrikaBurn 2011 <>

@Bijou Open Studios Art Sale <>

DMV (Department of Mutant Vehicles) <> Fundraising Extravaganza

T <> ickets to <> AfrikaBurn 2011

T <> ender for <> Medics for the 2011 Event



Here it is folks, we know you've been champing at the bit for it.....The
theme for AfrikaBurn 2011 is "STOF - the Primal mud!" tana na naaaaa ....
Yes, that's correct. Stof is stuff, its dust, substance, matter, energy,
particles, die stoff, dust to dust, the magic dust of Tankwa that coats and
gets into your everything, from every bit of your car and camping equipment
to the innermost parts of your psyche, its all about the substance.... Ok so
we know that you are intrigued now so go read more about it at
...go and play with it!


@BIJOU SALE AND OPEN STUDIOS...and general opskop


When: Friday 19 November 18h00 - late

AND Saturday 20 November 09h00 - 13h00

Where: Bijou Studios; 178 Lower Main Road (corner Lower Main Road and Cole
Street), Observatory, Cape Town

Entrance is free there will be a cash bar.

Lots happens at the Bijou, and this is your chance to come and have a look.
There will be range of visually arresting experiences from painting to
knitting; installation to sustainable design. All this by artists Norman
O'Flynn, Selvin November, Christopher Slack, Liza Grobler, Kilmany
Jo-Liversage, Elize Vossgatter O'Connor, Albert Coertse, Barbara Wildenboer,
Christopher Swift, Conrad Hicks Ewaldi Grové and Danielle Ehrlich and
bookmaker Hanlie Coetzee.

In the AfrikaBurn offices, you can watch the third edition of the AfrikaBurn
newspaper THE NO SPECTATOR, an evolving printed experiment bringing you the
latest burning info in startling red green and black on an old RISOgraph
machine, come into being by Brad Baard, Heath Nash and Robert Weinek. You
will be able to see and buy photos of Tankwa Town by Swain Hoogerworst,
Simon O'Callaghan and Cameron Richards.

Pleasingly too, there will be music. Come watch the Time Flies (resident
band at Camp Desert Rose), Jakkals (of Tankwa Trein fame) and DJ Ray Mondo
(almighty marathon dj from the Vuvu Lounge).


Bijou Open studios on Facebook


The Time Flies on Facebook





In other super exciting news, those fabulous people from DMV are finding
reason to gather...yes, its a fundraiser for you, by those very special
rugby guys in meter maid outfits who are promising to titillate you with The
Trike and several other Mutant vehicles in a flaming rubber burning
vaudeville show early evening on 16th December followed by dinner (optional)
a band and all night dancing (not optional).

When: Thursday 16th December 2010

Where: Botriver Hotel.

There will be special rates at the Botriver Hotel (0282849640) as well as at
Malplaas ( email Lil at Caravans and tents also
welcome at the Hotel. There are also several other B and B's in the area
> )

A special breakfast/brunch will be held on the river at Malplaas on the

Watch this space, there will be more info soon. Otherwise contact Robert
Weinek at



Don't fret they will be available in January. We will keep you informed as
to the exact date that they go on sale.


MEDICS at AfrikaBurn 2011

Are you one of those people that love dealing with emergency
situations?...Well lucky you (actually lucky for us that you exist), because
the tender for medics for AfrikaBurn 2011 will be opening in the next few
weeks. If this is your thing and you are interested, and would like to put
in a submission, or have had a super duper medic experience and want to
recommend medics for the event, OR have any other comment about medics at
AfrikaBurn please

drop a note to


Right that's all for now, but the ball is rolling and you will hear from us
soon again

Happy Days all.

Monique Schiess



General Enquiries:

Art Submissions:

You want to volunteer your time? Excellent, write to


Department of Public Works:





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Geen opmerkingen:

Julliete Greco

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De Libelle van het Kloosterbos te Wachtebeke

"The Heart Gallery" 2010

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Serge Verwest exposeert in galerij "De Nieuwe Vaart" van 6 tot 28 februari 2010

Serge Verwest exposeert in galerij "De Nieuwe Vaart" van 6 tot 28 februari 2010
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De schoenen van Langnek

Beestig Bezig

Burningman 2009 Dragondebris

Een hartelijk en genegen 2010

Een hartelijk en genegen 2010
gustaaf de meersman vzw VIDEOKONTAKT gdmProducties Parklaan 86 9000 Gent 09 330 35 77

Uitnodiging tentoonstelling

Uitnodiging tentoonstelling
11/09/2009 om 20u



IERMA- Reflections about Art

Evaluatie klas "Experimentele schilderkunst" Januari 2009

Guernica- Vancouver Filmscool

Bochabela string orchestra


Error loading feed.

Liesje Animation by Sander Alt. Produced by Revolver (

Liesje from Revolver on Vimeo.

Banksy’s Village Petstore and Charcoal Grill

Jan Fabre voor één dag directeur van de Standaard

DADA:disaster at the soiree du coeur a barbe

De nieuwe creaties van Joshua Allen Harris



Burning Man 2008

Elk jaar zakken duizenden mensen naar de "Black Rock" af om een stad in de woestijn te bouwen met afval.Voor veel van de kunstenaars en de ingenieurs, is het opstellen vóór het eigenlijke opengaan van de poorten het meeste belangrijke stuk van deze jaarlijkse gebeurtenis. In het intervieuw ziet u de stichter aan van Burning Man, Larry Harvey,aan het woord evenals de genieën achter de Tempels en kunstinstallaties, Elevation, Babylon, Mutopia, en natuurlijk, het team achter de bouw van de Man. Zij delen hun meningen en tonen ons de kunst die dit jaar achter het thema:"De Amerikaanse Droom" zit.

A Curious Thing

Air Zoo

Air Bear (Seen On The Streets Of New York)

Bezoek aan Hundertwasser

Shine a light

This eventful history-Birth. Burningman 2001

Eddie Breen


MUTO een muurschildering (animatie)


walking from blu on Vimeo.


afstudeerwerk van Sofie Demeyer, 4de jaar DKO Academie voor Beeldende Kunst Gent.