
Cultuur is veel meer dan een optelsom van tentoonstellingen en muziekuitvoeringen. Het is een behoefte van de Mens om die diepere emoties die in hem leven de kans te geven het daglicht te zien en ze met zijn medemens op die speciale manier te delen, dikwijls met en dikwijls zonder woorden. Soms met beeld soms zonder klank. Soms met kleur, soms zwart-wit maar nooit zwart op wit, altijd met de grijswaardes die kleur geven aan het innerlijke emotionele gebeuren wat de mens onderscheidt.

donderdag 1 april 2010


<> Van: AfrikaBurn
Verzonden: woensdag 31 maart 2010 17:18


Shoo Good people that's exactly 22 days to Tankwa Town!

In this email:
- a movie screening tonight (Wednesday) at the AfrikaBurn office.
- pARTicipating at AfrikaBurn
- volunteering at Tankwa Town, we need you on our MOOP team!


where: AfrikaBurn Offices, Bijou, 178 Lower Man Rd. Observatory, Cape Town.
When: 6:30 for 7p.m.
the Movie is 74 mins long
Entry is free of charge

"GIFTING IT is a meditative piece that seeks to explore one aspect of the
Burning Man festival that truly makes it different. An aspect that provides
the foundation for a host of social elements to recreate themselves beyond
the boundaries set in a world increasingly turning commodified. Here, things
are different. You can make your own unique mold and be different too. And
if you decide you'd like to take it with you, well, there's no charge."


We have shown this movie a lot because it is fantastically illustrative of
the ethos that makes the Burn what it is. If you are sitting on the fence
and trying to decide whether to come to the burn, it will certainly sway you
one way or the other. Same with friends who cant decide. There is always
good discussion after.

There will be a screening of this in Johannesburg on the 9th.

Email <> for more



Its that time before the burn when there is an audible crack, whirr and zing
of fabrication and planning in the atmosphere; Sewing machines, welders,
saws, posidrives, beading, music choosing, rehersing, glue guns all doing
over time....

This year sees the return of those purveyors of good music down at 2-ish abd
Binnekring, the Desert Roses, The Vuvucreativeare going big again with
Vuvulounge and mobile theatre, coming at you from the , those stallwarts of
dreamy postage needs in Tankwa Town the Burning Mail camp . Camp Lagmaal
bringing you massage by day and potbrood, wine and a laughing service by
night. Camp Cherries for all your Tankwa Town cherry needs, from cherry
crumpets to cherry brandy. The Succulents offering you not just a music camp
but a music Octopus to play in, Camp Smokiní Token, the Heart Space, the
Wonderleka Woeskus Daisies and many many more.....aaand then of course there
are artworks...James Clayton will be putting on th fog horn ...and the fog.
Cube of Dreams the kids burn, by the fabulous SUnset Oasis crew, Daya
Heller's Dream Tree, Echo by TNT, "Wake up and Dream" by Brad Baard and
Monique Schiess, Dedrick Lourens's "offside (/sight /site)" oversized
foosball Charl Bothma's Sand Man and again, lots lots more.

Now don't be thinking that because you havent made a large sculpture or
theme camp it ís too late for you to participate and be a part of Tankwa
Town. If you feel its too late to build a huge engineering-sculptural-feat,
you don't have to. AfrikaBurn is about community, engaging with each other
and the environment in an environment not mediated by commerce. It's about
injecting creativity into our everyday experiences. And so its often the
small stuff at AfrikaBurn that is so gratifying; the intimate, the playful:
that ice cold Pina Colada that someone hands to you while you're sweating it
out in the sun, a refreshing spray from a "mister mister", the spray bottle
guy, the roaming string quartet, dressing up, which often leads to
spontaneous acts of performance art, that ride on an art car your favourite
Kwaitobilly tune being blasted out over the Tankwa Karoo, the hula hoping
workshop, delicious chocolate brownies being handed out. There are so many
fabulous ways to participate.

SO go forth and create, we are looking forward to seeing you!


We have had a super response to our volunteer mail, but one portfolio
remains a little thin on the ground so to speak, and that is MOOP. To the
uninitiated, that is Matter Out Of Place, a clever term for rubbish. Now we
know that most of you fab citizens of Tankwa Town don't intend to drop that
stompie or false eyelash, but it does sometimes happen...AND that wind does
carry stuff far and wide when it is not weighted down. So we like to make
sure that we pick up every last little bit of something left in Tankwa Town.
Being on the MOOP team means staying in the desert for a day longer or
getting on the job on the last day already. if you are up for that please
email <> Its
meditative and fun and its full moon on the 28th!

Happy Days all
see you soon

Monique Schiess



COMING SOON: A New and Improved Website at a Computer Near You!



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Afrika Burns - Postnet suite X15 - Private bag 117, Somerset West, 7124,
South Africa

Geen opmerkingen:

Julliete Greco

Grace jones by Christine Levine

De Libelle van het Kloosterbos te Wachtebeke

"The Heart Gallery" 2010

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Serge Verwest exposeert in galerij "De Nieuwe Vaart" van 6 tot 28 februari 2010
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gustaaf de meersman vzw VIDEOKONTAKT gdmProducties Parklaan 86 9000 Gent 09 330 35 77

Uitnodiging tentoonstelling

Uitnodiging tentoonstelling
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IERMA- Reflections about Art

Evaluatie klas "Experimentele schilderkunst" Januari 2009

Guernica- Vancouver Filmscool

Bochabela string orchestra


Error loading feed.

Liesje Animation by Sander Alt. Produced by Revolver (

Liesje from Revolver on Vimeo.

Banksy’s Village Petstore and Charcoal Grill

Jan Fabre voor één dag directeur van de Standaard

DADA:disaster at the soiree du coeur a barbe

De nieuwe creaties van Joshua Allen Harris



Burning Man 2008

Elk jaar zakken duizenden mensen naar de "Black Rock" af om een stad in de woestijn te bouwen met afval.Voor veel van de kunstenaars en de ingenieurs, is het opstellen vóór het eigenlijke opengaan van de poorten het meeste belangrijke stuk van deze jaarlijkse gebeurtenis. In het intervieuw ziet u de stichter aan van Burning Man, Larry Harvey,aan het woord evenals de genieën achter de Tempels en kunstinstallaties, Elevation, Babylon, Mutopia, en natuurlijk, het team achter de bouw van de Man. Zij delen hun meningen en tonen ons de kunst die dit jaar achter het thema:"De Amerikaanse Droom" zit.

A Curious Thing

Air Zoo

Air Bear (Seen On The Streets Of New York)

Bezoek aan Hundertwasser

Shine a light

This eventful history-Birth. Burningman 2001

Eddie Breen


MUTO een muurschildering (animatie)


walking from blu on Vimeo.


afstudeerwerk van Sofie Demeyer, 4de jaar DKO Academie voor Beeldende Kunst Gent.