
Cultuur is veel meer dan een optelsom van tentoonstellingen en muziekuitvoeringen. Het is een behoefte van de Mens om die diepere emoties die in hem leven de kans te geven het daglicht te zien en ze met zijn medemens op die speciale manier te delen, dikwijls met en dikwijls zonder woorden. Soms met beeld soms zonder klank. Soms met kleur, soms zwart-wit maar nooit zwart op wit, altijd met de grijswaardes die kleur geven aan het innerlijke emotionele gebeuren wat de mens onderscheidt.

vrijdag 27 mei 2011

Top Headlines in Online Media

Your personal reading list
The week's most popular industry news: Online Media
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Online Media
Google Reveals Mobile Payment System [Live Blog] -
Thursday's Google Wallet Event in New York City, the company is expected to showcase its latest innovations in mobile payments.
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Now You Can See Twitter The Way I See Twitter -
Twitter has just rolled out a nifty little feature. Now on anyone’s profile, when click on the “Following” link, you’ll be able to see exactly how they see Twitter.
571 shares  •  Read full story  •  Share
New York Magazine Jobs -
Information about the website, the website for New York Magazine.
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Most Companies Are Still Clueless About Social Media -
Social media has arrived, but companies still aren't sure what to do with it. Fifty-eight percent of companies are currently engaged in social networks like Facebook...
158 shares  •  Read full story  •  Share
9 Ways To Increase Your Productivity While Working From Home -
As a freelancer, wasting time equals wasting money. Here are some tips to get you more productive while working from home, no matter what you do.
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donderdag 26 mei 2011

Martine, je vrienden van H.Hartinstituut Heverlee wachten op je

Martine, je vrienden van het H.Hartinstituut Heverlee wachten op je op Facebook.
Betty Spruyt, Hilde Clijsters, Carla Bogaerts, Christine Moens, Veerle Hofmans en vele anderen.
Nu vrienden zoeken
Ga naar Facebook
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vrijdag 20 mei 2011

Top Headlines in Online Media

Phew, busy week!
The week's most popular industry news: Online Media
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Online Media
Mashable Surpasses 500,000 Facebook Fans [OMG!] -
We want to send a huge thank you to all our readers who like Mashable on Facebook for helping us reach 500,000 fans.
421 shares  •  Read full story  •  Share
Oil Lobby Contributions To House Members Yield Results -
WASHINGTON -- In the month leading up to an early May vote over whether to expand oil drilling in the Gulf of Mexico and open the coastal waters of Virginia for exploration, three the nation's top oil companies made donations...
7 shares  •  Read full story  •  Share
Miso Introduces App Store for Social TV Checkins -
Miso began offering developers the ability to build on its existing code base with an open API a few months ago. After a few months of making the API available, it launched a new app store to highlight apps built by third-party...
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Was ‘Good Morning America’ duped by ‘Botox Mom’? -
Was ‘Good Morning America’ duped by ‘Botox Mom’?
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LinkedIn Finishes First Day as Public Company Valued at $8.9 Billion -
LinkedIn has ended its first day as a publicly traded company with shares above $94 each, 108% higher than the $45 that they were initially priced at.Shares climbed all the way to $122.70 this...
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Don't want to receive email notifications? Adjust your message settings LinkedIn values your privacy. At no time has LinkedIn made your email address available to any other LinkedIn user without your permission.
© 2011, LinkedIn Corporation

donderdag 19 mei 2011

Discount Web design, development, and marketing


Are you seeking inexpensive, but high-quality website work? Do you need a website or websites built, marketed, or maintained by U.S.-based professionals at a very low rate (about $10/hour with no payroll taxes), who you can actually communicate with?

If you are seeking web/graphic design, web development, or web marketing work on an ongoing basis (every CMS, HTML, CSS, PHP, graphic design, SEO, and much more!), we would like to be considered to handle your daily and weekly web tasks. We get more done that an experienced full-time web professional, and for close to the cost of a minimum wage employee! If you can afford a full-time minimum wage employee, you can afford our full-time U.S.-based web professionals! You can stop working with different developers for each task that you need handled.

We are a group of experienced web, grahics, and development professionals, with a long history and track record of excellent web-related work that we can show you upon request.

We are very unique. We do not perform one-time projects, but instead, we act as an extension of your staff, and significantly discount the work, based on long-term volume.

We perform up to twice the work of an average full-time in-house developer, at a very low rate.

The best part is that all of our contracts are task-based, rather than hourly, so you know EXACTLY what is being handled, and when. Timelines, time estimates, and daily/weekly duties and projects are specific and accurate. We work with you to create a plan, and set up the weekly schedule accordingly. Shop around! Almost any task you need completed will be less-expensive when working with us. Even if you contact firms in India and other countries with a low income, we will beat most of their prices because they often artificially inflate timelines and number of hours required. What good does $5 per hour do if it takes them 800 hours to complete your work?

You will deal only with U.S.-based developers, who speak fluent English, can develop web content in English, and are contractually bound to handle your web work and communicate with you in a timely fashion, every day and every week.

We handle nearly every major web language, CMS platform, development method, development tool, and graphic design tool. We can handle everything from web design and development, to graphic design, to SEO/Web marketing, to social media marketing. Your needs are unique, and we will develop a custom daily and weekly plan for your ongoing web work. We are a one-stop-shop. Working with us is like having a full-time developer for less than the cost of a minimum wage employee.

If you are tired of searching for a new contractor for every web task, tired of timelines not being met, or tired of poor communication with offshore firms, reply to this email for more information!

Here is a general listing of the technologies we can handle. This is only a small sampling. Just ask us about others!

DotNet Nuke
CMS Made Simple
Custom CMS

Languages/Development tools/Methods:


Graphic Design:


Thank you for your time, and we look forward to hearing from you!

Weekly Web Tasks
Inexpensive Web Work that delivers on the promise!
608 N. Springer St.
Carbondale, IL

This message is intended as an advertisement. To be removed from our mailing list, reply back with the subject line "do not reply".

zaterdag 14 mei 2011

Communiquez et collaborez facilement avec Projectpro !

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6 Mai 2011

Communiquez et collaborez facilement avec Projectpro !

Une mauvaise communication est l'une des causes courantes d'échec d'un projet. Le chef de projet doit s'assurer que la bonne information arrive aux bonnes personnes et au bon moment !

Projectpro est l'outil idéal pour gérer efficacement le travail collaboratif au sein de vos projets.

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Projectpro est un outil de gestion de projets en ligne intuitif et convivial que vous allez adopter immédiatement, sans plus de formation que quelques explications !

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Tableaux de bord personnalisés permettant d'avoir un aperçu de l' état de « santé » et de l'avancement de vos projets. Planning partagé en ligne, Alternative MS Projet, diagramme de Gantt dynamique. Gestion des tâches, jalons, actions, Todo List et feuille de temps.
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vrijdag 13 mei 2011

Top Headlines in Online Media

Touch base with today's news
The week's most popular industry news: Online Media
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Online Media
Event Swag: 5 Ways To Give Attendees What They Want -
Erin Bury is the community manager at, an expert Q&A site for startup founders around the world. You can follow her on Twitter @ErinBury and read her blog at the...
476 shares  •  Read full story  •  Share
Vadim Lavrusik: How journalists can make use of Facebook Pages -
The Facebook News Feed is essentially a social newspaper. With it, users are able to read and discover news shared by friends, journalists, and media organizations they like. And journalists can be an even more active part of...
150 shares  •  Read full story  •  Share
Facebook exposed in Google smear -
Facebook has admitted hiring a PR agency to tout anti-Google stories in the US press.
377 shares  •  Read full story  •  Share
Kevin Smokler Named VP of Marketing at Byliner - co-founder Kevin Smokler has been named vice president of marketing at Byliner.
31 shares  •  Read full story  •  Share
Taliban's Twitter Account Starts Tweeting in English -
The Taliban has extended its propaganda efforts into the social media realm, tweeting from the handle @alemarahweb.
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© 2011, LinkedIn Corporation

Julliete Greco

Grace jones by Christine Levine

De Libelle van het Kloosterbos te Wachtebeke

"The Heart Gallery" 2010

Sfeerbeelden Montmartre aan de Hollebeekvijver

Merelbeeks Montmartre aan de Hollebeekvijver

Hotel modern animatie festival

Hotel modern animatie festival
Theatergroep Hotel Modern maakt voorstellingen die veel raakvlakken hebben met animatiefilm. Daarom is nu te zien op het Hotel Modern animatie festival. 26 grappige, ontroerende en indrukwekkende animatiefilms uit heel Europa! Klik op de foto en check in

Affiche Russische Kunstenaars in België

Affiche Russische Kunstenaars in België

Vincent Obert de Thieusies exposeert in galerij "De Nieuwe Vaart" van 6 tot 28 februari 2010

Vincent Obert de Thieusies exposeert in galerij "De Nieuwe Vaart" van 6 tot 28 februari 2010
Opening 5 februari om 20 u schilderijen, assemblages en action painting

Serge Verwest exposeert in galerij "De Nieuwe Vaart" van 6 tot 28 februari 2010

Serge Verwest exposeert in galerij "De Nieuwe Vaart" van 6 tot 28 februari 2010
Opening op 5 februari om 20 u met Opening 5 maart om 20 u schilderijen en mixed media.

De schoenen van Langnek

Beestig Bezig

Burningman 2009 Dragondebris

Een hartelijk en genegen 2010

Een hartelijk en genegen 2010
gustaaf de meersman vzw VIDEOKONTAKT gdmProducties Parklaan 86 9000 Gent 09 330 35 77

Uitnodiging tentoonstelling

Uitnodiging tentoonstelling
11/09/2009 om 20u



IERMA- Reflections about Art

Evaluatie klas "Experimentele schilderkunst" Januari 2009

Guernica- Vancouver Filmscool

Bochabela string orchestra


Error loading feed.

Liesje Animation by Sander Alt. Produced by Revolver (

Liesje from Revolver on Vimeo.

Banksy’s Village Petstore and Charcoal Grill

Jan Fabre voor één dag directeur van de Standaard

DADA:disaster at the soiree du coeur a barbe

De nieuwe creaties van Joshua Allen Harris



Burning Man 2008

Elk jaar zakken duizenden mensen naar de "Black Rock" af om een stad in de woestijn te bouwen met afval.Voor veel van de kunstenaars en de ingenieurs, is het opstellen vóór het eigenlijke opengaan van de poorten het meeste belangrijke stuk van deze jaarlijkse gebeurtenis. In het intervieuw ziet u de stichter aan van Burning Man, Larry Harvey,aan het woord evenals de genieën achter de Tempels en kunstinstallaties, Elevation, Babylon, Mutopia, en natuurlijk, het team achter de bouw van de Man. Zij delen hun meningen en tonen ons de kunst die dit jaar achter het thema:"De Amerikaanse Droom" zit.

A Curious Thing

Air Zoo

Air Bear (Seen On The Streets Of New York)

Bezoek aan Hundertwasser

Shine a light

This eventful history-Birth. Burningman 2001

Eddie Breen

MUTO een muurschildering (animatie)


walking from blu on Vimeo.


afstudeerwerk van Sofie Demeyer, 4de jaar DKO Academie voor Beeldende Kunst Gent.