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De Morgen: cultuur & media
- ‘Ik vind het een stresserende gedachte om vakantie te nemen’: ontmoet Bennie, de workaholic in Yong Yello -
- ‘Mensen worden niet naar de gevangenis gestuurd in de hoop dat ze er beter zullen worden’: ex-gedetineerden op de planken -
- Gary Oldman: ‘Als ik niet gestopt was met drinken, zou ik hier niet zitten’ -
- Een bezoek aan Mundo Pixar Experience voelt als aanschuiven in de wachtrij van het betere pretpark -
- Gestolen 16e-eeuws schilderij duikt na 50 jaar op, maar weduwe wil 100.000 euro voor kunstwerk ‘waar ze nooit echt van hield’ -
vrijdag 27 mei 2011
Top Headlines in Online Media
donderdag 26 mei 2011
Martine, je vrienden van H.Hartinstituut Heverlee wachten op je
vrijdag 20 mei 2011
Top Headlines in Online Media
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donderdag 19 mei 2011
Discount Web design, development, and marketing
Are you seeking inexpensive, but high-quality website work? Do you need a website or websites built, marketed, or maintained by U.S.-based professionals at a very low rate (about $10/hour with no payroll taxes), who you can actually communicate with?
If you are seeking web/graphic design, web development, or web marketing work on an ongoing basis (every CMS, HTML, CSS, PHP, graphic design, SEO, and much more!), we would like to be considered to handle your daily and weekly web tasks. We get more done that an experienced full-time web professional, and for close to the cost of a minimum wage employee! If you can afford a full-time minimum wage employee, you can afford our full-time U.S.-based web professionals! You can stop working with different developers for each task that you need handled.
We are a group of experienced web, grahics, and development professionals, with a long history and track record of excellent web-related work that we can show you upon request.
We are very unique. We do not perform one-time projects, but instead, we act as an extension of your staff, and significantly discount the work, based on long-term volume.
We perform up to twice the work of an average full-time in-house developer, at a very low rate.
The best part is that all of our contracts are task-based, rather than hourly, so you know EXACTLY what is being handled, and when. Timelines, time estimates, and daily/weekly duties and projects are specific and accurate. We work with you to create a plan, and set up the weekly schedule accordingly. Shop around! Almost any task you need completed will be less-expensive when working with us. Even if you contact firms in India and other countries with a low income, we will beat most of their prices because they often artificially inflate timelines and number of hours required. What good does $5 per hour do if it takes them 800 hours to complete your work?
You will deal only with U.S.-based developers, who speak fluent English, can develop web content in English, and are contractually bound to handle your web work and communicate with you in a timely fashion, every day and every week.
We handle nearly every major web language, CMS platform, development method, development tool, and graphic design tool. We can handle everything from web design and development, to graphic design, to SEO/Web marketing, to social media marketing. Your needs are unique, and we will develop a custom daily and weekly plan for your ongoing web work. We are a one-stop-shop. Working with us is like having a full-time developer for less than the cost of a minimum wage employee.
If you are tired of searching for a new contractor for every web task, tired of timelines not being met, or tired of poor communication with offshore firms, reply to this email for more information!
Here is a general listing of the technologies we can handle. This is only a small sampling. Just ask us about others!
DotNet Nuke
CMS Made Simple
Custom CMS
Languages/Development tools/Methods:
Graphic Design:
Thank you for your time, and we look forward to hearing from you!
Weekly Web Tasks
Inexpensive Web Work that delivers on the promise!
608 N. Springer St.
Carbondale, IL
This message is intended as an advertisement. To be removed from our mailing list, reply back with the subject line "do not reply".
zaterdag 14 mei 2011
Communiquez et collaborez facilement avec Projectpro !
vrijdag 13 mei 2011
Top Headlines in Online Media
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Julliete Greco
Grace jones by Christine Levine
De Libelle van het Kloosterbos te Wachtebeke
"The Heart Gallery" 2010
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Hotel modern animatie festival
Affiche Russische Kunstenaars in België

Vincent Obert de Thieusies exposeert in galerij "De Nieuwe Vaart" van 6 tot 28 februari 2010
Serge Verwest exposeert in galerij "De Nieuwe Vaart" van 6 tot 28 februari 2010
De schoenen van Langnek
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11/09/2009 om 20u